Free training course...
How To Teach Your Horse To Plant The Correct Pivot Foot... Cross-Over In Front... And Spin A Post-Hole In The Dirt!
Here's what you'll get with the "Rollback & Spin" mini horse training course:
- Three individual parts... Video, audio & written instruction.
- A correct spin... a horse using his inside hind pivot foot.
- Teach your horse to do a good cross-over step in front.
- Learn how to use your hands, legs and reins correctly.
- How to overcome and correct the common trouble spots.
- The #1 mistake riders make when teaching a horse to spin.
"Instant access to the course immediately after joining"
About the "Rollback & Spin Cheat Sheet" Mini Horse Training Course
When you register for this online training course, you'll receive one part of the program (via email) each day for three days. Each part will contain either video, audio or written instruction to help you teach your horse to spin. All the instruction is very clear and easy to understand.
Although this course will give you a tremendous amount of valuable information, it's not intended to be the only step you take to further your horse's training. Rather, it's intended to be the initial steps to help you begin the training process for the spin.
Your FREE 3-Part "Rollback & Spin Cheat Sheet"
Part 1:
In part 1, you'll receive two videos which contain information that’s absolutely critical if you want your horse to have a nice, smooth, flat, spin… with a clean “cross-over” up front and the “correct” pivot foot behind.
You can use this training technique to really help your horse learn to spin correctly. It might be a good idea to have a pen ready to jot down a few notes.
In part 1, you'll also learn how to use your hands, reins, legs and spur pressure. You'll also learn important "timing" elements of how to apply each one
Part 2:
Part 2 consists of an audio plus a written “cheat sheet” which lists key elements for teaching your horse to rollback and spin. You can print it out and take it to the barn with you as a reminder of what to do when schooling your horse.
Be sure to listen to the audio as it contains additional instructions that are not listed in print. In the audio, I reveal ONE BIG SECRET that was told to me when I was a young trainer.
That one secret enabled me to go from NOT being able to spin a horse at all… to SPINNING LIKE A TOP only ONE DAY later. Yes... only one day later. It may do the same for you too!
Part 3:
Part 3 may be the most important. In it, I go through all the QUESTIONS related to rollbacks and spins which were sent in by my members.
Be sure to read all the ANSWERS carefully as they contain solutions to specific “trouble spots”. Trouble spots which routinely show up in most rider's training program. These are problems which we haven’t covered previously. Including…
The #1 Mistake Everybody Makes when teaching their horse to spin!
There is a very good chance you're making this mistake too... so you definitely don’t want to miss it.
Start Your Free Online Training Now!
There's NO credit card required and absolutely NO obligation... just some of the best rollback and spin instruction you'll ever receive for FREE!