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Platinum Ultra-Lite Ranch Versatility/ Ranch Cutter
Only 28 Pounds!

This saddle has a good pocket. It will help you ride in balance and sit the big stop. Highest quality leather and craftsmanship. Made completely by hand. Super light weight... only 28 lbs.

Tree: Rawhide covered wooden tree. Seat: 16 inch smooth. Skirts: 28 inches long, double stitched. Color: Medium finish. Riggin: In-skirt. Cantle: 2 1/2 inches tall. Saddle Horn: Cow Horse horn, 2 1/2 inches tall. Real wool sheepskin. Stirrups: Nettles 2 inch wooden. Hand tooled: Borders. Saddle strings. Rear cinch is included.

An ideal saddle for many performance events... reining, cutting, ranch versatility, ranch sorting, all around training and trail riding.

Discount Price: $. Financing is available at 0% interest through PayPal.

To purchase this saddle or place a custom order (3-month delivery), call Larry Trocha Training Stable at (209) 642-2804.

Diamond stamped border